Living In Mexico

(2000). . . It was during my last visit to the community, my third visit to Mexico, when I made my decision to move there.

    Early in the morning on the day I am to return to the US, just before sunrise, the sky displays an incredible sight-- the morning star shines right under the sliver of the new moon. I realize that I am leaving a country that emphasizes family, community and creativity to go back to one where working and shopping predominates. I cry lots of tears and know that I must prepare to move here.

  I was so happy to have finally arrived at Tepoztlan, my destination in Mexico! The unusual shapes of the mountains give it a magical quality. These volcanic deposits, which have been carved over millennia by wind and water, have shapes of mushrooms and temples. During sunset, the mountains appear to be red, hence the town’s name, which means "Land of Copper". On weekends the main streets are lined with the booths of vendors selling food, clothing and handcrafts. One of these streets ends at a trail that reaches a pyramid after a two mile strenuous climb. The central market has stalls covered with plastic tarps selling all sorts of food, both restaurant style and to prepare at home. 

The Lonely Planet Guide of Mexico rates the pueblo as one of the top ten food places in the country. In 1995, the town staged a successful bloodless revolution, putting the federal officials out on the highway in their underwear. The federales were planning to make a golf course to attract corporate interests by annexing national park land and that of some of the local farmers. To this day, this town with a population of about 50,000, which is governed by descendents of Toltecs and Aztecs, has no fast food restaurants or bars. Alcohol is served, but only in restaurants or nightclubs. Besides the indigenous, there is a fairly large resident population of ex-patriots from Europe, the US and other places.

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