Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Some friends in Wmass, April 2013 trip.
Top to bottom: Wolf at NOHO presentation, Karen after lunch at Survival Center, Men's group at DeJa Brew.

And Dexter holding court at Rao's

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Product Details

How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival [Paperback]

David Kaiser

I just finished reading this book today--a truly fun read!
Significantly, on the same day I received the first 26 copies of my newly published book:
The Bumpy Road, A Memoir of Culture Clash Including Woodstock, Mental Hospitals, and Living in Mexico.

Friday, April 5, 2013

This is the beginning of my regular blog section.

My logo is a shell commonly found at Zipolite Beach in Oaxaca, Mexico, and is pictured on the right side of the page.

I've been going to Zipolite for the past four years during the Christmas holidays to play in the band: The Zipolite Beach Billies.

This shape is very important to me. The point represents to me the calm center of a cyclone. This symbolizes the still centered focus during meditation. From this point the shell swirls upwards and outwards in a Fibonaci progression, growing from within. It's like spiraling out from meditation to the whorl of life's activities. Periodically I return to the calm center to reflect and meditate.